Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting last night. For those of you that were unable to attend I will give you a breif run down on the information that we covered.
-Suit sizing: We have order forms in the office if anyone would like to order a team suit.
-Practice schedule: We will follow the Alpine School District schedule (no school= no practice).
-Team apparel: We have new shirts available and we will be ordering sweatshirts & t-shirts e-mail me.
-Dual Meet: Nov. 16th, it is very important that we get as many swimmers as possible to this meet.
-New Meet Entry Form: There is a link to the form on the blog. I will put a new form up for each meet.
-Payment: Payment must be recieved with the meet form, no money = no entry. (sorry)
-Team fees: Fees must be paid by the 10th at the registration desk, swimmers will be asked to exit the pool.
-Timers: It is very important that we have parent volunteers avail. to time at the meets.
-Basic Meet Info.: Bret covered meet basics, how they run, what to expect.
-Christmas Party: Dec 11th.
-Bulletin Board: We are updating the bulletin board on Monday, check for new info. & meet forms.
If there are any questions comments please e-mail me, .