Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HAST SC Wasatch Area Meet

HAST SC Wasatch Area Swim Meet
Saturday, November 7, 2009
American Fork Fitness Center 454 N. Center Street, American Fork
Warm-up @ 7:30 a.m.
 Meet @ 8:30 a.m.
Entries are due Tuesday, October 27th
Entry forms are available on the blog (to your right), bulletin board, or w/ your swimmer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Halloween Invitational Oct. 30-31

I have sent out an e-mail with all of the information on this meet.

EAT Halloween Invitational
October 30-31st 
Skyline High Shcool, 3251 E. 3760 S. Salt Lake City, Utah

Entries are Due on Wednesday, October 21st 


Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween Mini Meet

I have recieved the information on the Halloween Mini Meet on Oct. 24th. I will be sending home the entry forms today.  I need them back by Wednesday! I know it is quick but they just got the info to me and it is due back on Monday...we have no practice Thurs. or Fri. so I need it WEDNESDAY. There will be forms online as well, check the Meet Entry Form link on the right hand side.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

HAST Trick-or-Treat Invitational

We got into the meet!  I am e-mailing the entries out to you today.  I am waiting to here from Eagle Aquatics about our next meet.  Check out the new bulletin board (work in progress), if anyone has any suggestions let me know.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Soaking up the SDAT meet!

I think that anyone who went to our first meet of the season would have to agree that it was great! Like Katie said, many kids dropped their times! I really do think that lots of us built up our buffness over the summer! It sure pays off to work hard.

Here are some pictures of the kids at the swim meet:
(click to enlarge)

She was the first swimmer to swim this season! She went super fast in her 100 freestyle!

Here's the start of my race! I qualified for state in this event.

Jonathan swam in the freestyle! He was amazing!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Parent Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting last night.  For those of you that were unable to attend I will give you a breif run down on the information that we covered.

-Suit sizing: We have order forms in the office if anyone would like to order a team suit.
-Practice schedule: We will follow the Alpine School District schedule (no school= no practice).
-Team apparel: We have new shirts available and we will be ordering sweatshirts & t-shirts e-mail me.
-Dual Meet: Nov. 16th, it is very important that we get as many swimmers as possible to this meet.
-New Meet Entry Form: There is a link to the form on the blog. I will put a new form up for each meet.
-Payment: Payment must be recieved with the meet form, no money = no entry. (sorry)
-Team fees: Fees must be paid by the 10th at the registration desk, swimmers will be asked to exit the pool.
-Timers: It is very important that we have parent volunteers avail. to time at the meets.
-Basic Meet Info.: Bret covered meet basics, how they run, what to expect.
-Christmas Party: Dec 11th.
-Bulletin Board: We are updating the bulletin board on Monday, check for new info. & meet forms.

If there are any questions comments please e-mail me, lehiswimcoach@gmail.com .

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SDAT Meet Results

Thanks to everyone who attended the meet last weekend, it was a great meet.  Most of our swimmers improved their times and most importantly we had fun.  The meet results are availabe at www.swimutah.com under results.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Team Pizza Party

Parents and Swimmers please join us for a team pizza party!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 @ 6:00 pm

*Team Suit Sizing (payment must be received @ time of order).
*Team apparel available for purchase.
*Parent meeting following at 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

HAST Trick-or-Treat Invitational

HAST Trick-or-Treat Invitational Oct. 16-17.
Swimmers may enter 3 events per day  no times are accepted.

American Fork Fitness Center
454 North Center Street

Warm-ups begin: Friday at 3:00pm. Meet starts at 4:00pm.
Warm-ups begin: Saturday at 7:30am. Meet starts at 8:30am.

Entry Fees:
$2.75 per event plus $3.50 surcharge per swimmer. Please attach a check for the number of events that your swimmer would like to be entered in. We need the payment before we do entries!

This meet fills up fast please turn in meet info and payment in

2009-1010 Short Course Meets

All of the meets for this season have been added to the calendar.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Swim Meet Oct 2nd & 3rd

Park City Fall Classic Friday, October 2 and Saturday, October 3. Swimmers may enter no more than THREE (3) events per day with a maximum of SIX (6) total events. No Times are accepted.


Park City Aquatic Center @ Ecker Hill Middle School

2465 West Kilby Rd.

Park City, UT 84098


Friday, October 2, 2009 Warm-up 4:30 PM Meet 5:30 PM

Saturday, October 3, 2009 Warm-up 8:00 AM Meet 9:00 AM

*Warm-Up will end 5 minutes prior to the starting of the meet.

Entry Fees:

$3.00 per event, plus a $4.00 surcharge per swimmer.

If you are attending the meet please fill out the meet form with a check for the # of events your swimmer wishes to swim, and give it to Coach Bret or Rachel on deck


There is additional meet information at www.swimutah.com under meets. If you have any questions on any of the above items – please see Coach Bret or Rachel on the pool deck or email us.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Our first swim meet will be Friday and Saturday September 25th and 26th. Friday September 25th warm ups at 4:00 PM events start at 5:00 PM. Saturday September 26th warm ups at 7:30 AM events start at 8:30 AM.

Venue: South Davis Recreation Center
550 North 200 West
Bountiful, UT 84010

Meet entry requirements:
You must have one official time. For every official time that you have you may enter an event with a no time. Swimmers may enter 6 events total....3 each day.

There is plenty of seating for viewing. (This is the same pool that hosts the State Meet).

For full details of the meet go to http://www.swimutah.com/
click on meets then click on SDAT kick off.

Lehi Aquatics Blog

In an effort to keep all swimmers and parents informed we have created this blog. We will be updating information in the coming days.